
Nuria Blanco Arenas , Barcelona 1969.

Optician and photographer

Photography and nature are two essential elements in Nuria's life. Whenever she is asked why she photographs nature, why she sacrifices the pleasure of a comfortable, relaxing holiday and chooses to go on more adventurous trips which involve very little rest, a long time on the road, scant luxury and a very heavy backpack, her answer is clear and confident. With a big smile she says: "I photograph nature because I like to. It inspires me and fills me with excitement and happiness and gives me life. Beyond this, I want my photographs to raise awareness of the importance of conservation. I want my work to help, in some way, to protect and conserve nature and the biodiversity which is being so brutally destroyed. I think we have a necessary, urgent duty to protect Mother Earth in exchange for the privileges that she gives us by surrounding us with all her beauty. She is the source of life. She gives us everything! " . 

Her favourite subjects are animals and tiny details. She sees the minutiae in mighty landscapes and shows us their intimate face. She loves playing with light and shapes, showing the abstract side of nature that releases the imagination into a world of fantasy. She searches for the point where canvas and reality meet, because photography is her way of expressing what nature reveals to her. In her photography there is a thin, very subtle dividing line between the purely artistic and personal, which expresses her vision and sensations and which is simply intended to display the beauty around us, and that which is intended to be a tool that encourages us to conserve and protect areas of the world that are under serious threat. This is why Nuria's work is so often a combination of both viewpoints: that of the artist and dreamer and that of a passionate conservationist.                                                                                                       

She has taken photographs in Africa (of which she is particularly fond), as well as Iceland, England, France and many parts of Spain. She currently combines her work as an optician with photography: photography sales, social reports and advertising photography.

Member of the Spanish Association of Nature Photographers (AEFONA) and the Portfolio Natural group.

All contents ©Nuria Blanco Arenas. All rights reserved site by Bluekea